Privacy Policy

In development of legislation
in force regarding the Protection of Personal Data, Law 1581 of
2012, Decree 1377 of 2013, the web Platform (hereinafter “Site”) ALTAMAR, domiciled company
in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia, regulates the treatment of
personal data of your clients, web contacts, suppliers, partners,
employees and contractors to whom treatment is given.

When delivering any type of
personal information, the owner has accepted that said information is
used in accordance with this Policy, information that will not be
used at any time for purposes other than those here
established. In the event that such personal information will be
used for other purposes, it must be covered within
the exceptions provided for in the regulations, or must have a
express authorization of its owner, as the case may be.

The processing to which personal data is subjected is mainly due to the development of ALTAMAR 's corporate purpose and the related activities that arise from it.

This privacy policy explains how ALTAMAR collects, stores, uses, transfers and discloses your information.

ALTAMAR may review and modify
this data processing policy at any time. You
We will notify you of the update through our website or through
in other ways, such as by email that you have
supplied, such changes will take effect from the moment of their

ALTAMAR is a service that
located in Colombia, and is aimed mainly at users
domiciled in Colombia. If you access the Site from any other
place with data collection and handling laws and regulations
different personal rights to Colombian Law, it is important that you take into account
Please note that the information we collect is transferred to Colombia, and
In the case of accepting these Data Treatment Policies
information, you are accepting that your information is processed
according to Colombian Laws.

If you want to know more about ALTAMAR , also read our terms and conditions that you can find at the following link:

As a User you should read the
following Information Processing Policies before using our
Place. From the moment you start using ALTAMAR , even if you are just browsing, we will receive information such as the device you use and your IP address.

If you have any questions, you can contact us through the information you will find at the end of the document.


General objective

Establish the application criteria regarding the processing of personal data by ALTAMAR.
The processing of personal data includes any operation or
set of operations on personal data, such as collection,
storage, use, circulation, deletion, transfer of data.

ALTAMAR may assume the role of Data Controller or Person in Charge of processing personal data, depending on the case.

Specific objectives

Establish the policies with which the processing of personal data will occur and the responsibility of ALTAMAR in relation to the management of personal data of natural persons linked to the Site.

Adopt good practices, regarding
compliance with legal requirements, regarding the
data protection and privacy of personal information.

The legal regulations before
mentioned will be applicable to the data of natural persons that are
are stored and recorded in managed databases
Responsible and/or Processor that has been collected by our Site,
Social Networks or by other means such as email, WhatsApp or
in person, thus all areas of ALTAMAR that involve the processing of personal data will be subject to the provisions of this policy.

ALTAMAR is an ecommerce through which Users can purchase different products.

This policy will apply to
all people who directly or indirectly have a relationship
any type with ALTAMAR , they include, among others:




Service providers.


Potential customers.

Interested third parties.




Authorization: it is understood as the
consent that, in a prior, express and informed manner, is granted by the
owner of the personal data to the person responsible for the processing of the
information to carry out the Processing of personal data.

Database: list that is in an organized manner, in which the personal data that are subject to processing are found.

Personal data: Any information linked or that can be associated with one or several specific or determinable natural persons.

Public data: It is the data
qualified as such according to the mandates of the law or the Constitution
Politics and all those that are not semi-private, private or sensitive.
By its nature, public data may be contained, among
others, in public records, public documents, gazettes, bulletins
official and duly executed judicial sentences that are not
subject to reservation and those relating to the civil status of people.

Private data: is the information that, due to its intimate, reserved and personal characteristics, is only important to the owner.

Sensitive data: it is understood by
sensitive data that affects the privacy of the owner or whose use
undue discrimination may generate discrimination, such as those
reveal racial or ethnic origin, political orientation,
religious or philosophical convictions, membership in unions,
social organizations, human rights organizations or that promote interests of
any political party or that guarantees the rights and guarantees
of opposition political parties, as well as data relating to the
health, sexual life and biometric data.

Supplier: Any natural or legal person who sells any product or provides any service to ALTAMAR by virtue of a contractual/obligatory relationship;

User: Any natural or legal person who browses and/or purchases through ALTAMAR .

Responsible for the treatment: ALTAMAR regarding
of the personal data you have about your clients, workers,
administrators and suppliers, it is he who decides on the database
and/or treatment.

Person in charge of treatment: Person
natural or legal, public or private, which by itself or in association with
others, carry out the Processing of personal data on behalf of the
Company as Data Controller.

Habeas data : Fundamental right
of every person to know, update, rectify and/or cancel the
personal information that is processed and that is found in
public or private databases.

Owner of the personal data: It is the
natural person whose personal data is subject to processing. Be
customer, supplier, distributor, employee, or any third party who, in
reason for a commercial or legal relationship, provide personal data to

Transfer: Refers to the shipment by ALTAMAR as
Controller or a Data Processor, to a third party
agent or natural/legal person (recipient), inside or outside the
national territory for the effective processing of personal data.

Transmission: the transfer of data
What happens when the Data Controller and/or Data Processor
personal and that under a data transmission contract
personal, sends the information or personal data to a recipient,
which in turn is Responsible for the Treatment and is located within or
outside the country.

Data transfer: processing
data in which a disclosure is made to a person other than the
owner of the data or other than the one authorized to receive
personal information.

Processing of personal data:
Any operation or set of operations on personal data,
such as collection, storage, use, circulation or deletion.

As a general rule, your data is not
transmitted to third parties, except in cases where legally
We are obliged to do so, in case the data transfer is
necessary for the establishment of the contractual relationship or when
you have given us your prior explicit consent for the transfer
of the data.

For him
internal management of the data, these may be known by the staff
authorized, who must know the safety procedures and
data collection.

For him
external handling of data, that is, when we transfer or
We transmit personal data to third parties, such as affiliated companies,
among others, we will ensure that they comply with the legislation
regarding data protection, with security measures and
same guarantees granted by us.

It is important to note that among the
Places where your data could be processed could include countries
that do not enjoy the same degree of data protection as the country from which
which information has been provided. If this is the case,
We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your data
are treated with the levels of protection and security that they will receive from
according to Colombian standards.

This Site may link to or incorporate
websites or content hosted and served by others about which we have no
we control, such as third party websites, online properties,
platforms, social media or systems, which are each governed by the
privacy policy and business practices of the third party. You
understands and accepts that ALTAMAR is not responsible for the security,
privacy or business practices of any third party.

All Personal Data Holders or their successors have the right, free of charge, to make inquiries and requests to ALTAMAR to
know, access, update, rectify, delete information,
request data portability and revoke authorization or to
make requests, complaints and claims regarding the Treatment that ALTAMAR gives to the information.

The query must be directed to ALTAMAR ,
with the full name of the Owner, the description of the query,
application, request, complaint or claim, the address of residence, the
contact telephone number and email. The Holder of the
information or his successors in title must present and/or attach the
following documents:

If it is the Owner: Valid identity document.

If it's about
of the successor in title: Valid identity document, Civil Registry of
Death of the Owner, Document that certifies the capacity in which he acts and
the number of the Holder's identity document.

If it's about
of a legal representative and/or attorney: Valid identity document,
Document that accredits the status of legal representative and/or attorney-in-fact
of the Holder and the number of the Holder's identity document.

In the event that the consultation is incomplete, ALTAMAR will request
to the interested party to correct the defects within five (5) days
following receipt of the claim. Two months after the
date of the request, without the applicant presenting the information
requested, it will be understood that you have withdrawn the claim or request.

The query will be attended to in a
maximum term of ten (10) business days counted from the date
of filing. When it is not possible to attend to the query within
said term, the reasons for the delay will be informed, and the date on which
Your query will be attended to, which in no case may exceed five
(5) business days following the expiration of the first term.

Queries must be communicated to:

Whatsapp: (+57) 3147332213



ALTAMAR in its capacity as
Manager and/or Responsible for the processing of personal information
personnel who collect, store, update, transmit or delete data from
their clients, employees, suppliers and community in general, gives them
processing of data for the purposes described below,
but not before warning that these are strictly limited to the development
of the corporate purpose of ALTAMAR.

ALTAMAR collects Personal Data for the following purposes:

Send you commercial information about offers, promotions and other information that motivates you to use the Site.

To complete the purchase of the products.

Confirm the identity of Users or legal representatives of legal entities.

participate in sweepstakes, contests or other promotional activities: each
promotion has its terms and conditions which must be
previously reviewed by the User.

Classify and position information to Users.

Analyze the
main needs of the Users, perform diagnoses and
analyze all the data related to them. To do this, you can
deliver this information to other companies to facilitate the
compliance with said diagnosis.

Establish consolidated and updated information of Users or third parties linked to ALTAMAR.

Create a
close knowledge of our Users, or third parties linked to
ALTAMAR, for segmentation, marketing and sales activities

To share news

Sending information, advertising, marketing, among others.

Make invitations to events and offer new services.

store, classify, exchange, update, process, reproduce
and/or have the information that you have given us.

partial or total data or information to its subsidiaries, businesses,
affiliated companies and/or entities and strategic allies.

To contact the User in order to carry out surveys related to the service.

To manage your requests, complaints and claims.

Improve your experience using the Site.

When you
becomes a contractor, supplier, worker or partner of ALTAMAR,
We collect your personal data necessary for the provision of the
service, work or social contract.

Any related activity.

The owner of personal data has the following rights:

access, update, rectify, delete and consult your Data
Personal at any time regarding the data you consider,
inaccurate, fragmented, incomplete, those that mislead or
those whose Treatment is expressly prohibited or has not been

Request at any time proof of the authorization granted to ALTAMAR

Be informed by ALTAMAR of the use that has been given to Personal Data, upon request.

Consult the control and security mechanisms in place and request specific related information.

Request the deletion of any data and/or revoke the authorization when considered necessary.

Object, complain, and complain

before the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce the complaints that
consider relevant to assert your right to Habeas Data against

To access
free of charge, as established in the applicable regulations, to their
Personal Data and Sensitive Personal Data that have been subject to

However, exceptionally, this authorization will not be required in the following cases:

When required by a public or administrative entity in compliance with its legal functions, or by court order.

When dealing with data of a public nature.

In cases of medical or health emergency.

When the processing of information is authorized by law for historical, statistical or scientific purposes.

ALTAMAR ensures respect for the
prevalent rights of children and adolescents in the
processing of the information provided. It is prohibited
processing of personal data of children and adolescents.

ALTAMAR Services are only
available to those people who have legal capacity to
contract in accordance with applicable regulations. Therefore, if you do not comply
Under this condition, you should not provide your Personal Information.


ALTAMAR can collect two types of data and information:

Non-Personal Information

It is anonymous and non-identifiable information. ALTAMAR no
knows the identity of the User who enters the page for the first time
without logging in or registering as a User. The information does not
personnel is classified into technical information and
behavior, as detailed below:

Technical information

Type of operating system (Windows, Linux, IOS, etc.)

Browser type (Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.)

Screen resolution (e.g. 800 x 600, 1024 x 768, etc.)

Keyboard and browser language (e.g. English)

IP adress.

Computer configurations, settings and any other technical data or similar information.

Behavioral information

Links that the User uses while browsing the page.

related to the User's activities on the page, such as the date
of entry, time the page is accessed, duration of the visit to
the page, among others.

Any information about behavior on the page.

Location information and Geolocation:

If the User allows the Site to access
to location services through the permission system that
uses the operating system for the Site, ALTAMAR may also collect the exact location of the User's device or the approximate location of the IP address.

Device Information:

We may collect information about
of the User's device, including, for example, the device model
hardware, operating system and version, names and versions
of the files and software, the preferred language, the identifier
unique device, advertising identifiers, serial number,
device motion information and

User information:

When the User interacts with ALTAMAR to make purchases on the Site, ALTAMAR collects
server logs, which may include information such as
device IP addresses, access dates and times,
the website or pages visited, website crashes and other
system activity, browser type and third party site or
service you were using before interacting with our

Personal information

It is information individually
identifiable that identifies the User and is private. The
Personal Information collected by ALTAMAR consists
of the personal data entered voluntarily by the User and that
will be necessary to execute any purchase at ALTAMAR, such as name,
email address, phone number. As well as
information necessary to make the payment (credit card details)
credit or debit).

ALTAMAR acts as responsible and in charge of processing the following databases:

ALTAMAR Users Database.

Database of clients, suppliers, allies, among others.

Each database collects and stores
the respective personal information, with prior authorization and
according to the purposes established in this privacy policy.

There are two moments in which ALTAMAR receives the information:

At the moment the User enters our Site and purchases.

When the User uploads any other type of information to ALTAMAR subsequently.

When ALTAMAR interacts with the User through Social Networks and/or instant messaging applications such as WhatsApp.

ALTAMAR will be able
send or transmit data to one or more Processors located within or
outside the territory of the Republic of Colombia in the following

When you have authorization from the Owner.

When without
have the authorization there exists between the Responsible and the Manager a
data transmission contract or the document that replaces it.

Users accept that ALTAMAR may
use your contact details in order to inform you about
Offers or Promotions and with your prior authorization send you advertisements and
other marketing material, transmitted to the email address
email provided by the User.

User can unsubscribe from the material delivery service
marketing at any time by sending a notification
through the email that the advertising was sent. It is clarified that ALTAMAR does not
is responsible for the content of said advertisements and the products
delivered or services provided by third parties.


ALTAMAR as responsible
and/or person in charge, as the case may be, of the processing of personal data
under his custody, he must fulfill the following duties, without prejudice
of the other provisions provided for in the law and in others that govern its

Guarantee the owner, at all times, the full and effective exercise of the right of Habeas Data.

Request and
keep, under the conditions provided in this policy, a copy
of the respective authorization granted by the owner.

duly inform the owner about the purpose of the collection and the
rights that assist you by virtue of the authorization granted.

Keep the
information under the security conditions necessary to prevent
its adulteration, loss, unauthorized consultation, use or access or

that the information provided to the person in charge of the treatment is
true, complete, accurate, up-to-date, verifiable and understandable.

Carry out
timely updating, rectification or deletion of data
in the terms of the law; communicating in a timely manner to the manager
of the treatment, all the news regarding the data that
previously provided to you.

Rectify the information when it is incorrect and communicate the pertinent information to the person in charge of treatment.

to the person in charge of processing, as the case may be, only data whose
treatment is previously authorized in accordance with the provisions
In the law.

Demand to
person in charge of the treatment at all times respecting the conditions of
security and privacy of the owner's information.

Process queries and claims made in the terms indicated in this policy and in the law.


In the processing of personal data carried out by ALTAMAR , the permanence of the data in its information systems will be determined by the purpose of said processing.

Consequently, once the purpose for which the data was collected has been exhausted, ALTAMAR will proceed
to their destruction or return, as the case may be, or to preserve them
in accordance with the provisions of the law, adopting technical measures that prevent
inadequate treatment.


In the processing of personal data regulated in this policy, ALTAMAR will adopt physical, logical and administrative security measures.

ALTAMAR can use technologies
such as "cookies" (or similar technologies), which store certain
information on the computer ("Local Storage") and that allows the
automatic activation of certain features and the best use of the

Cookies do not include any
information about the User, except the session password, which
It is deleted when you log out of the web page (usually
after 24 hours). Most browsers allow you to delete
cookies from your hard drive, acceptance of blocking cookies, or receiving
a warning before a cookie is stored. To delete or
disable the Local Storage option the User must use the
setup option according to specific instructions
provided by the technology provider. However, if the
User blocks or deletes cookies online User experience
may be limited.

ALTAMAR uses certain third-party cookies every time the User visits any of the ALTAMAR websites or
one of the advertisers where we manage, when you visit others
websites that use similar cookies without altering the ALTAMAR service.
Third party cookies are stored only as non-personal information.
personal information, such as the history of web pages visited, the duration of
your navigation, etc.

foresees, takes care of and adopts technical, human and administrative measures
that are necessary and that are within their reach to maintain the
security of Users' information and tries to avoid its
loss, adulteration, access or consultation of unauthorized third parties to the
website through industry standard technologies and
internal procedures, including through the use of symbols and
encryption mechanisms, however no method of transmission over
The Internet, or electronic storage method, is 100% secure and
you use our site and transmit information to us at your own risk.
risk, therefore, ALTAMAR does not guarantee that unauthorized access will never occur.

ALTAMAR has protocols for
security and access to information systems, storage and
processing, including physical risk control measures
security. The system is constantly monitored through
vulnerability scan. ALTAMAR staff
that carries out the processing of personal data executes said
protocols in order to guarantee the security of information.

ALTAMAR has the duty to
notify if there is a security breach in the information to the
Users within 72 hours thereof.

All employees and third parties have
signed confidentiality clauses in their contracts and are
committed to the proper handling of databases
following the guidelines on information processing
established in the Law.

It is the User's responsibility to have
all security controls on your computers or private networks for your
navigation to our portals.

Any User information is regulated by the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies of ALTAMAR. HIGH SEAS
reserves the right to modify them at any time, therefore
The User is recommended to visit this page frequently. In case of
any material change, ALTAMAR will do its best to post a notice of such modification on the Site.

change in the Privacy Policy will begin to take effect from the
"last update" and the continued use of the service by the User
on the date of last review will constitute acceptance thereof.

Every User or holder of Personal Data has the right to request ALTAMAR to delete all or part of their Personal Data in accordance with the procedure established in the clause “ Area responsible for handling requests, complaints, suggestions, queries and claims .”

The deletion of Data will operate and will be
definitive as long as they: (a) are not being treated
in accordance with the provisions of current legislation, (b) have left
if they are necessary for the purpose for which they were collected or, (c)
has exceeded the period of time required to fulfill the purpose by
which were collected.

ALTAMAR may deny the
elimination when: (a) The User has the legal and/or contractual duty
to remain in the database; (b) Deletion of data
hinder judicial or administrative proceedings in progress.


These Information Treatment Policies come into force as of December 18.
January 2023 and the Databases that contain the information of
Users will have a validity of 10 years, extendable for periods


If there is any dispute
between the User and ALTAMAR in relation to these policies, the parties agree
undertake to seek to resolve disputes by direct settlement in
a period that may not exceed sixty business days,
Subsequently, if an agreement is not reached, they undertake to carry out the
differences before ordinary justice.


ALTAMAR is located in
The following address and contact details are as follows,
above for the purposes of being notified of any judicial act or
any kind.

Address: Cra. 58 #96-187, Local 7-8 Lyd House 98 - Barranquilla

Whatsapp: (+57) 3147332213



Updated January 18, 2023