Useful. Beautiful. Meaningful

One day we set sail and the limits did not board this boat. Altamar is a universe where art and design have a direction that does not pigeonhole them, we create to bring your dreams to the present through our branding studio and our lifestyle shop.

About the captain


Hello mon amie! My name is Paula Altamar, I am a professional artist and graphic designer. a creative who mixes her multiple passions to create tools that elevate others.

Art, which was my first childhood love and first tool for self-knowledge and rediscovering the world. Organization and well-being, which led me to create my own organization method, seeking to change my reality and tired of not finding tools that met my needs in terms of design and functionality. Finally, the one that made me a nerd: Branding, I have been working as a designer and creative director for more than 7 years, co-creating differential, captivating and meaningful brands, also advising other creatives in this profession.

Art joining the life epiphany


Altamar is a story of how art celebrates life and unites with it to rediscover and elevate it. At Altamar we create, through art, design and sophistication, pieces that bring you closer to your best version and to live your dreams in the present, creating a deeper connection with you and an experience of well-being along the way.

Concept Based Design


We sculpt brands with soul, we create functional, meaningful and beautiful design, visuals supported by concept and intention. Our studio is a workshop and laboratory, we develop branding from the inside out, from conceptualization, strategy, visuals and final extensions.